For Online Casino Players
Recoup. Never, never and under no circumstances should you try
to win. This inexplicable craving "to regain its" yet never
bring up good. You lost $ 10 and take it easy, come here after
some time and will win. No, people need everything now. As a
consequence, very common option when people lose $ 10 and then
trying to recoup. First losing another $ 10, then another $ 30,
and then another $ 50. And all because of that very much do not
want to lose. Do not look for intuition, as when playing with
the machine, it will not help. This is a game with people on
their behavior can roughly estimate what cards they hold.
Machine - it's not a man, but a machine. Like it or not, on its
behavior can never guess what her card now and she's going to do
with them. Note that she does not know what cards will be as
follows, and, accordingly, will take the path of least risk,
which is often not enough people. And you should try to play the
same way, trying not specifically risk.
Never think that the game depends on my mood. Your computer is
indifferent mood, since he is not trained to care for your
emotions and, therefore, the idea that if you play with a bad
mood, you will surely lose, just speculation, and neither are
any good. Never play with money that you do not have. Many
overconfident, so very often played on what and they do not. The
fact that someone has something you need, does not mean that it
will give you the amount in due time, if any, will be given.
This money can not pay in full, delay or no pay. And you've
already lost them. This can result in a fine mess, and the very
serious problems, so it is better to play it safe.
Should not play after you have ordered the withdrawal of money
from the casino. Just do not tempt fate - you never know what
might happen. Always remember that you have won money is not at
the moment when they are credited to your account inside the
casino, and when you were in the hands (eg, the purse in
WebMoney system ). If you play for money, then you need to learn
to wait - without this in any way. Rounding - is evil. Yes,
what! How many people have lost huge sums because like beautiful
numbers. Won $ 98 in the casino, no, not like the number, I want
100. Starters play and lost everything. And such an example can
tell each counter. Agree that even $ 20, compared with $ 280 is
nothing, right? So why risk a large sum in order to become
"beautiful"? Correct answer is "no reason." All of the above -
this is the basic tips. I can give advice on the book yet, but
it would be superfluous, since if you do not take this advice,
then more of them will not change anything.